Creative B2B Advertising: Stealing Tactics from B2C Playbooks

September 25, 2024

Let's face it, B2B marketing has a reputation for being... well, boring. But times are changing, and we're seeing a seismic shift in how B2B buyers make decisions. Gone are the days of purely rational, ROI-focused purchases. Today's B2B journey looks a lot more like B2C, with emotion, multiple touch points, and human connection playing starring roles. So why not steal a page from our B2C cousins' playbooks? They've mastered the art of engaging audiences and building brand love. It's time we brought some of that magic into the B2B world.

Let's explore how we can inject creativity and personality into our B2B strategies, shall we?

The Changing B2B Marketing Landscape

We've noticed a seismic shift in the B2B marketing world lately, and let me tell you, it's pretty exciting! Gone are the days when B2B marketing was all suits, handshakes, and dry PowerPoint presentations. Today's B2B marketing strategies are taking a page right out of the B2C playbook, and boy, are they making waves!

Emotions Matter in Business Too

Remember when we thought B2B decisions were all logic and no feeling? Well, turns out humans are still humans, even in a boardroom. The new B2B buying journey is all about creating that human connection. We're seeing more and more companies tug at the heartstrings with their creative B2B advertising, and guess what? It's working!

Multiple Touchpoints are the New Norm

Just like in B2C, B2B buyers are now interacting with brands across multiple channels before making a decision. It's not just about that one sales call anymore. From social media to webinars, from thought leadership articles to personalised emails, B2B tactics are becoming more diverse and engaging.

The Power of Storytelling

B2C marketers have long known the power of a good story, and now B2B is catching up. We're seeing more companies ditch the jargon and focus on telling compelling narratives that resonate with their audience. After all, who doesn't love a good story, right?

By embracing these B2C-inspired approaches, B2B marketing is becoming more dynamic, more relatable, and dare we say it, more fun! It's an exciting time to be in B2B marketing, and we can't wait to see what creative strategies emerge next.

What B2C Marketers Do Well That B2B Can Learn From

Let's face it, B2C marketers have a knack for capturing attention and driving action. At our agency, we've been stealing a page or two from their playbook to spice up B2B marketing strategies.

Here's what we've learned:

Embracing Emotion and Storytelling

B2C advertising excels at tugging heartstrings and sparking imagination. We've found that incorporating emotional appeals and compelling narratives into B2B content can significantly boost engagement. After all, even in the world of business, decisions are often driven by human emotions.

A great execution here would be implementing User-Generated Content - an approach we've implemented successfully for all of our B2B SaaS clients and the content was very well received by the audience.

Leveraging Multi-Channel Approaches

B2C marketers are masters of omni channel presence. We need to understand that the B2B buying journey now involves multiple touch points across various platforms.We've seen great success in adopting this approach, creating cohesive experiences across social media, email, and even traditional advertising channels.

Our most successful funnel generated a total of 10 million impressions in 90 days, across TikTok, X and Meta, leading also to a 100% - 140% increase in purchases.

Prioritising User Experience

In the B2C world, user experience is king. We've applied this principle to B2B marketing, focusing on creating intuitive websites, easy-to-navigate product catalogs, and streamlined purchasing processes. Remember, B2B buyers are consumers too – they appreciate a smooth, hassle-free experience. And not to mention that we are also entering a self-serve era, where B2B buyers prefer to do their own research and have as little interaction as possible with actual sales people. This is where the user experience becomes crucial in the final buying decision.

Personalising Content atScale

B2C marketers have perfected the art of personalisation. In our B2B tactics, we've embraced data-driven personalisation to deliver tailored content to specific industry segments, job roles, and even individual prospects. This approach has dramatically improved our engagement rates and lead quality.

By incorporating these creative B2B advertising techniques, we've seen our clients' campaigns transform from dull to dynamic. The new B2B buying journey demands a more human-centric approach, and these B2C-inspired strategies are helping us deliver just that.

Connecting with Customers Through Storytelling and Emotion

In the world of B2B marketing, we're witnessing a seismic shift. Gone are the days when dry, feature-focused content was enough to win over business clients. Today's B2B buying journey is all about human connection, and that's where we can steal a page from the B2C playbook.

The Power of Narrative in B2B Marketing Strategies and the Emotional Appeal

Let's face it: even in the corporate world, decisions are made by people, not faceless entities. By infusing our B2B marketing with storytelling, we tap into the emotions that drive decision-making. Creative B2B advertising isn't just about listing product specs; it's about crafting a narrative that resonates with our audience's challenges and aspirations.

We've seen firsthand how weaving compelling stories into our clients' campaigns can transform their market presence. Whether it's through case studies that read like mini-dramas or video content that tugs at the heartstrings, storytelling helps build trust and memorability in a crowded marketplace.

To do this, the first step you need to take is a deep-dive into your Ideal Customer Profile. They have fears, hopes, and dreams just like any consumer. By incorporating emotional elements into our B2B tactics, we create deeper connections that go beyond logic and numbers.

Consider how we might leverage:

  • Aspirational messaging that speaks to professional growth
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO) on industry-changing innovations
  • Pride in being part of a forward-thinking organization

These emotional hooks, when used authentically, can be powerful drivers in the B2B buying journey. It's about finding the sweet spot between professional value and personal resonance. And that's the kind of creative B2B advertising that turns prospectsinto loyal customers.

Creative B2B Advertising Strategies to Try

Let's face it, B2B marketing can sometimes feel like a snooze-fest.But who says it has to be? We're here to shake things up and inject some life into your B2B advertising efforts. It's time to steal a page or two from the B2C playbook and get creative with our B2B marketing strategies.

Leverage User-GeneratedContent

Nothing beats authentic voices singing your praises. Encourage your happy clients to share their experiences through testimonials, case studies, or even social media posts. Or work with professional content creators and develop narratives that will resonate with your Ideal Customer. This approach not only provides social proof but also creates a sense of community around your brand.

Go Bold with Visual Content

In the world of B2B marketing, we often get stuck in a sea of bland stock photos and text-heavy white papers. Break free! Experiment with eye-catching infographics, animated explainer videos, or even memes (yes, memes in B2B - we're getting a little wild here). Visual content can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and make complex information more digestible.

Personalisation is Key

B2C tactics have shown us that personalisation works wonders. In the B2B sphere, this means tailoring your creative B2B advertising to specific industries, company sizes, or even individual decision-makers. Use data-driven insights to create targeted campaigns that speak directly to your audience's pain points and aspirations.

By adopting these creative B2B advertising strategies, we can breathe new life into our marketing efforts and connect with our audience on a deeper level. Remember, at the end of the day, we're all humans looking for solutions - let's market to them as such!


As we've seen, the lines between B2B and B2C marketing are blurring. We're entering an exciting new era where B2B brands can and should steal from the B2C playbook. By embracing storytelling, focusing on human connection, and tapping into emotions, we can create more engaging campaigns that resonate with today'sB2B buyers. Remember, at the end of the day, we're all just people trying to solve problems.

So let's ditch the stuffy corporate speak and start having real conversations. The future of B2B marketing is creative, authentic, and dare we say it - fun!

Are you ready to shake things up and try some new tactics? Your buyers are waiting.